Olivia Simonetti
Quality and Compliance Manager

Olivia Simonetti
Quality and Compliance Manager
Olivia Simonetti
Quality and Compliance Manager

Olivia Simonetti
Quality and Compliance Manager
@ Maryland Packaging
Quote from Marwan about Olivia:
Admin assistant
Special assistant
Documentation specialist
Regulatory and compliance manager
Assistant SQF manager
SGF manager
Director of Quality Assurance 7 Lead practioner
CLONE HER. Saying that I love Olivia, respect Olivia, am amazed by Olivia, am amused by Olivia, respect Olivia, would be an understatement. As a founding member of “MP DREAM TEAM” Olivia can excel at any task that you give her. She too is a special and dear friend. A true Paesano and just another all time favorite.”
@ Home
A Baltimore city native who graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2017 with a degree in Biology.
Enjoys escaping the hustle and bustle of the city for relaxing weekends in the mountains.
Worked for the National Institute of Health where she studied inflammation of the cervicovaginal tract due to urogenital infections and relation to preterm births using methods of proteomics, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics under Dr. Rembert Pieper as well as developed regulatable promoters for Mycoplasma Mycoides subsp. Capri to aide in of the study of the synthetic cell under Dr. Sanjay Vashee.
When she’s not being a braniac, outdoor enthusiast, you’ll catch Olivia cuddling her cats and trying to solve true crime mysteries.
What Olivia Loves About Maryland Packaging
Maryland Packaging continues to educate me on being a leader. Since starting here in October of 2017, I find myself enjoying the challenges I’m faced as a Quality and Compliance manager, and how to overcome them with a little bit of research and critical thinking. Yeah, brain power! MP’s team is innovative and devoted to being the best in the realm of copackers; I’m proud to take part in this excelling company.
@ Maryland Packaging
Quote from Marwan about Olivia:
Admin assistant
Special assistant
Documentation specialist
Regulatory and compliance manager
Assistant SQF manager
SGF manager
Director of Quality Assurance 7 Lead practioner
CLONE HER. Saying that I love Olivia, respect Olivia, am amazed by Olivia, am amused by Olivia, respect Olivia, would be an understatement. As a founding member of “MP DREAM TEAM” Olivia can excel at any task that you give her. She too is a special and dear friend. A true Paesano and just another all time favorite.”
@ Home
A Baltimore city native who graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2017 with a degree in Biology.
Enjoys escaping the hustle and bustle of the city for relaxing weekends in the mountains.
Worked for the National Institute of Health where she studied inflammation of the cervicovaginal tract due to urogenital infections and relation to preterm births using methods of proteomics, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics under Dr. Rembert Pieper as well as developed regulatable promoters for Mycoplasma Mycoides subsp. Capri to aide in of the study of the synthetic cell under Dr. Sanjay Vashee.
When she’s not being a braniac, outdoor enthusiast, you’ll catch Olivia cuddling her cats and trying to solve true crime mysteries.
What Olivia Loves About Maryland Packaging
Maryland Packaging continues to educate me on being a leader. Since starting here in October of 2017, I find myself enjoying the challenges I’m faced with as a Quality and Compliance manager, and how to overcome them with a little bit of research and critical thinking. Yeah, brain power! MP’s team is innovative and devoted to being the best in the realm of copackers; I’m proud to take part in this exceptional company.