Highest HPP Capacity in the Mid-Atlantic
Our Hiperbaric machine is perfect for large batches and is able to process 3,000 kg per hour. Our Avure 10 machine is just the right size for smaller batches. Together, we can process over 110,000 kg per year of HPPed foods.
That means we can help you grow your food production no matter what your volume is.
Extends Shelf Life
High Pressure Processing can extend a product’s shelf life up to 120 days – or four months.
That helps reduce the turnover of your product and keeps more in the hands (and bellies) of your customers.
Locks in Nutrients
Unlike heat treatments, which can damage vitamins and other essential nutrients, High Pressure Processing renders foods safe to store and eat without destroying those vital elements that make super foods, well… super.
That means you’re giving your customers all the goodness they’re looking for.
Mmm, Still Tastes Fresh
High Pressure Processing not only prolongs your products’ shelf life – but it keeps them tasting fresh and delicious, too!
Your customers could bite into your food up to four months later and it’d still have that vibrant taste you so carefully crafted.
Consumers today are weary of products with harsh chemical preservatives. People want to get back to their roots with fresh, natural ingredients the way nature intended.
High Pressure Processing offers a path to the best of both worlds – a long shelf life without the need for chemicals.