Happy New Year
Maryland Packaging
SQF, FDA, and FSMA-compliant facility.
Two locations just southwest of Baltimore, Maryland.
Compliance & Regulations
Research & Development
Private Label
High Pressure Processing (HPP)
Skin & MAP Packaging
Heat Pasteurization
Accelerator & Incubator Kitchen
Dry & Wet Packing
Drinks / Beverages
Sauces, Dips, and Condiments
Ready-to-Eat Meals (RTEs)
Fresh Foods
Between our two facilities, located just southwest of Baltimore, Maryland, we’re able to accommodate thousands of pounds of throughput every week in areas of High Pressure Processing (HPP), food co-packaging, and food co-manufacturing.
We’re SQF-certified and able to accommodate organic, halal, Kosher, and non-GMO food types.
Our accelerator and incubator kitchen is state and federally approved by both the FDA and USDA.

Happy Holidays!
Message from our CEO
I would like to wish our employees, clients, vendors, and every person in the universe the merriest of Christmases, most blessed of Hanukkahs, and happiest of holidays. May the New Year bring everyone health, happiness, and wealth.
I hope the new year brings all kinds of people together even if only for one day. Old & young; white & black; east & west; rich & poor; Republican & Democrat; religious & non-religious; conservative & liberal.
I wish that for one minute, everyone of us would see others as a soul, a spirit, and a being. I wwish we can be blind to everything else like: race, religion, politics, and social status.
I leave everyone with two thoughts that work for me:
1. The only true constant in life is change, so embrace it.
2. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.”
Marwan Moheyeldien Sr.

Coming Soon!
In January, 2018, Maryland Packaging will open its second facility.
This new facility will be located in Halethorpe, Maryland, a few miles from our original site – for those of you who know us!
We’re very excited to open the new place, and we think you will be, too. With two new Hiperbaric 525s and other new, state-of-the-art equipment, we’ll be able to finish your products faster than ever. Each Hiperbaric 525 on its own can produce a throughput of 3,000 kg per hour!
New, Bigger Facility Opening This Month!
Contact Us
Call us at: (410) 540-9700
Or use the form below.
Don’t forget to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)!
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